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Showing posts from September, 2021

Where to get DOH vaxx certificate

Hi, I am writing again another useful tidbits of information applicable for everyone during this pandemic. My vaccine's name is Sinovac. I got my first dosage last month. I was required to input all my allergies and other information for their medical records. Then they send me a vaccination card to present to the nurse who took care of my vaccination. It was not as painful as others think and I didn't need any special attention. Now my second dosage is scheduled on September 22. Cause I am part of BidaSolusyon. Mass vaccination is also available. News has it that there will be more vaccines to be given to our nation's people. The vaccine is free of charge and is not commercialized. Everybody is required to get a certificate from DOH to present during travel. Our Department of Health launches its website where fully vaccinated individuals can register. It's at Remember that only fully vaxx citizens can get their certificates. Stay safe and ho

How to get your PhilSys card?

Have you heard of PhylSis ID? Part of the Filipino population were done with the process. It is very important to get one because as a citizen of our federal republic we are going to present this card in all government transactions. My first step was I registered my personal information at . After you send relevant information to their server you will receive a confirmation message from PSA to proceed to the next step of the registration process. Step 2 requires us to present important national identity documents such as a passport . Register now and do your part for a better federal government. It is also free to express our ideas to share what we know about this type of government. Federalism's core concept is centralization. I have heard of the centralized federalism type of governance in Brazil. An effective centralized national government is a strong backbone to safeguard each state interests and promote union. I am one with Miriam Santiago'